Why you might need spinal treatment

The spinal cord provides skeletal support and balance to the body. If you have an underlying spine condition, the spinal curves may become exaggerated or may not move in the direction they are meant for. This can lead to discomfort or limited motion.

Reasons you might need spinal treatment

To stabilize the spine

A stable spine supports the body. If you have an unstable spine, it may no longer hold the muscles, ligaments, and bones together. Sometimes, spinal dislocation can occur when the ligaments overstretch.

You may need surgery if the symptoms lead to significant neurologic issues like pinched nerves.

One may also need spinal surgery to join the vertebrae to stay in the correct position. A professional will recommend the best treatment to correct posture and restore mobility. The problem can also be resolved through PLIF, ALIF, or lateral body fusion.

To take pressure off the nerves

A condition like a disc herniation can compress the nerves within the spinal column. This can lead to muscle weakness, numbness, tingling, or pain. If this has never happened before, you may be wondering when to see a spine surgeon.

You may need to see a professional if the symptoms progress to leg pain, intractable back pain, or pinched pain. Keep in mind that an unstable spine can lead to several conditions like spondylolisthesis, spinal fractures, or extreme disc injury.

To align a crooked spine

While natural techniques like therapy and exercise can help align a crooked spine, surgery may be necessary. This is common when the curves are greater than 50 degrees. A spinal fusion surgery corrects the curves and the spinal vertebrae.

Some conditions like kyphosis, scoliosis, and flat-back syndrome can affect the curvature of the spine. A spinal treatment can also help to relieve the symptoms. Generally, the treatment style will depend on the severity of the condition. If the curvature is severe or painful, a couple of procedures may be needed to correct the spine.

Bone spurs in your spine

Bone spurs are bony projections that occur on the spine. Most cases have no symptoms and can go undetected for years. Bones can also pinch on the spinal cords causing numbness in your arms or legs. This can further cause inflammation and friction. A surgeon will review the symptoms and may recommend an X-ray for more details.

A spinal treatment is necessary if you have difficulty moving. You should also seek treatment when the pain radiates from the neck to the back.

The best spine surgeon should have expertise in the diagnosis of spinal conditions. But as with any other condition, proper evaluation is needed to determine the best course of treatment.